The Tiger Times
April 1, 2024
Solar Eclipse:
On April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse will cross North America, passing over Mexico, the United States, and Canada. In Claremont we will be able to see the sun 97% covered by the moon. It is expected that we will be able to see the eclipse between 3:00pm - 3:30pm.
Disnard students will be bringing home a pair of Eclipse Glasses on April 8th to be worn while viewing the eclipse. Safety is incredibly important as looking directly at the eclipse with the naked eye can lead to serious eye damage. Here is a link to important safety information
April 5th - Quarter 3 Ends
April 22-26 - Spring Break
May 8th - Title 1 Family Math Night
From the Office:
If your child is going to be absent, late or leaving early from school for any reason, please call the office. Classroom teachers do not always see email or messages on class dojo during the school day.
2024-2025 New School Registration:
We are very excited to hear from families who are asking about new student and kindergarten registration for next school year. New student registration is not open yet. As soon as it opens we will post the information here and on our website.
WooHoo Wednesday’s:
To encourage positive student behavior here at Disnard staff are focused on positive reinforcement. Students who show that they are consistently displaying our school expectations of Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible are recognized with a WOOHOO during our morning announcements on Wednesdays.
Lunch Menu:
The April lunch menu can be found here
or go to and type in Claremont, NH and select Disnard Elementary School.